The two Spanish firms will continue to operate as separate brands, manufacturing different bikes. The Ossa was reborn in 2009 reviving the Ossa brand (1924-1982). Both these Catalan firms manufacture off-road bikes, although Ossa is planning also a street motorcycle in the future. Gas Gas is producing about 9000 bikes a year, while Ossa 800 bikes/year. In 2013 Ossa used the production lines of Gas Gas to suppress the costs.

“In a globalised world with multinational companies, we decided to combine our companies from Catalonia to meet the demand of a highly competitive market. We have the people, knowledge and infrastructure in order to have a position in the motorcycling world. I think we cannot abandon this historical legacy and we have to take responsibility to reposition this industry to its rightful place” says Ramond Puente chief executive officer of Gas Gas.